Monday, 6 June 2011

Email Coversation with Mark about post-fest promos


Lovely stuff. Is it up on you tube we should put it up on the facebook site(s). Love to see the Jo Harman one soon too.

Nice one!


Hi Mark,

I have made a promo of Mamas Gun, and someone else has made a Jo Harman film.

Here is the Mamas Gun one, I only had limited footage, but I only wanted to make something short and in your face.

What do you think?



yeah would love that!


I am glad you like them, I got the footage from Harry and Sam who went to the festival, I will have a look for Mamas Gun and Jo Harman.

Would you like me to make 2 films each about them?



Look great! I've set em round!

Did you get any more footage (however rough) of Mamas Gun and Jo Harman (both featured in film)

If so be interested to see it


Hi Mark,

I have made and put up on YouTube a couple of Promo films, I thought you would like to have a look at them and see what you think.

Here are the links to them:

Hope you like them.

Marie Turner

(Digital Media Design Student)

- Associate Director, BiG i AM music and promotions
- PR consultant/associate Meadowlands Festival, 2011.
- Music correspondent, What's Happening Magazine
- Monthly music columnist, BN1 Magazine
- Monthly music/arts columnist Guide2Brighton
- Guest lecturer, Sussex Downs University (music production)
- A&R consultant, Yellow Fish Sessions media programmes

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Meadowlands Mobile Website

For my mobile website I began with my mock up designs, and quickly discovered that they were too complicated for a mobile to handle therefore I would have to simplify it however using some of the same aspects as like my original design.

I began with reading up on Jquery Mobile which would help me in discovering how to create a website that is optimised for mobile. The main website that helped me was: This website was able to explain and justify to me what I would have to do to make a mobile optimised website using HTML and CSS.

I therefore began building my website using the basic code that I had found from this site, and then adapted it to what my design would be.

From my original design I have kept only the top section, which I had designed. I kept this part of my original design because I felt that it made the mobile site more inkeeping with the original website that is already live, and therefore people would be able to associate this mobile site and the full website.

The features such as the buttons, the header and the footer have all changed, this is mainly due to the Jquery basic coding, as I was trying to keep it as simple as possible.

The header and footer I made the same dark blue as what is in the logo, in the sun beams. This is because then there would be some continuity throughout the website.

The buttons I have left the similar colour to the background, which is a blue/grey colour, I felt this worked with my logo design, as at the bottom the blue faded to a similar colour, which then draws people eyes to the links.

Each page will be the same, however, instead of having all of the buttons, there will only be a back button and the information that is needed for the section that people will click on. I have chosen to do this because I feel on a mobile optimised site, you would not necessarily have all of the links on each page, as doing that would over complicate the site, therefore sticking with my simplicity idea I have kept the back button on all of the information pages and I have put all of the links on the home page.

As I am demonstrating here:

Meadowlands - YouTube

I have been monitoring my viral animation as well as my promo film, which was uploaded to YouTube on the 2nd June 2011.

With regards to my viral film I have noticed that it has has over 300 viewings within 1 month, which then leads me to conclude that I had made a fairly successful viral film, to have had that many viewings in such a sort space of time. Which consequently answers part of the Meadowlands Brief.

With regards to my first post-festival promo film, I have again noticed that this film has had over 90 viewings within 2 days of being uploaded to YouTube. I also emailed the film to Mark Ede, being our client, and his response to seeing this was:
"Look great! I've set em round!" Indicating that he was pleased with what I had created, and he wanted to show other people as well.

The relevance to this was to demonstrate the effectiveness of both my animation (pre-festival promo) and my post-festival promo film were on YouTube.

Meadowlands Post Festival Promos

Even though I did not go to the festival I wanted to help in making the post-festival promos. Therefore, I decided to take some of the footage and put it together for a post-festival promo film to music.

I began with the idea of wanting to start off with people arriving at the festival, and it is all calm showing the campsite full of tents, and then for the festival to begin and it is all lively and upbeat with everyone having fun.

I had to look through to determine which pieces of film I wanted to use, which would make the festival look the best. I wanted to combine all of the different aspects of the festival and not just the music side of it, and as I was looking through all of the footage, I had come across a bit of footage which contained a woman singing into a microphone with everyone else in the tent singing with her, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which I thought was really charming and therefore somewhere I wanted it to appear in my film. After thinking about I thought having it the end section of the footage, where everyone is clapping would be a fantastic ending.

Therefore, I feel that I have included a nice balance of artists and comedians performing, a ride, and some other unique parts of the Meadowlands Festival within this film, which then showed everyone what Meadowlands have to offer for next year.

This is the film in its entirity:

This is the link to the Meadowlands Post-festival Promo film on YouTube:

I also made a panorama of the main stage at the Meadowlands Festival . I had both footage and photos to play with, as when the arena was empty I have got footage but when the arena was full I have got photos, therefore I used Photoshop to stitch together the photos and finish the Main Stage Panorama.

This is the film:

This is the link to YouTube:

After talking to Mark, via email, he had also disclosed to me that he wanted a film about Jo Harman, (which previously Harry said he would do) and a film about Mamas Gun, therefore in response to this I made a short film about only Mamas Gun at Meadowlands Festival.

Due to the lack of footage that I had to play with for the Mamas Gun Promo film, the film is alot shorter than I thought I would make it, however this then lead to my advantage because after I had finished making it, the film ended up being short but in your face, and after consulting with Mark about it, he liked what I had done.

This is the film:

This is the link to YouTube:

To create each of these promos I had used Adobe Premiere Pro, which is like Final Cut, therefore I was able to use it to the best of my ability.
For the panorama I had used Adobe After Effects, mainly because I knew I could create this film easier in this program.

All the way through creating these films, I have always consulted with Mark before putting them up on YouTube, this is because as he is our client he has the final say in what goes up, and with each of these he has wanted them up on YouTube, demonstrating that I have created work that he is proud to show off.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

My Problems I have had

With my website, I found I did not have many big problems until I found that my website when I uploaded it to the internet and my videos did not play, also when I tested my site in Internet Explorer I found that the Video Lightbox did not work either so I had to go back to the code to figure out what did not work and what I had to change.

Also some of my buttons within the image lightbox were not showing up, therefore I had to take a look at the coding to see what was wrong.

I fixed the buttons problem easily, the way I did it was by looking back into the HTML code to see where the code was trying to find the image, and I had found that it was being directed to the wrong place, therefore I had to re-link the HTML by finding the right path to the image, after doing that I then found that they worked.

Trying to fix the first problem found to be a lot harder then I anticipated.
I began with trying to re-link them like I did with the buttons, but unfortunately that did not work.

I then tried deleting the code that was there to begin with and then restarting the process all again, I tried that technique about 3 times, however, again that did not work either. I wass beginning to think that I would never be able to get my videos to play, which was my main concern.
After trying everything I could think of my dad then asked me have I checked the server to see if there was a MIME setting that would allow for the videos to play. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. After checking the server I found that there was no MIME setting for .m4v videos, I therefore looked up on the internet what I would have to put into the server to allow for the videos to play, and the code was video/x-m4v. This told the internet to play this file type. And after doing this small change I then tested my website in IE 7/8/9, Firefox and Safari and the videos all played beautifully in each.

The last and final problem I had to solve was the video lightbox not working in Internet Explorer. After looking through the coding I found that there was some code at the bottom at was for the normal lightbox, therefore I cut it out of the motion section and stuck it in the print section. After testing my videos in Internet Explorer I found that I had fixed the problem, and I had sorted everything that was making my website look unprofessional.

Website up and running

This is my website URL

I have tested on many different screens, as well as the different Internet servers, for example Internet Explorer 7/8/9, Safari and Firefox. And within each of them my website worked exactly how I wanted it to.

I have also tested it on a mobile device when it is on 3G, and my website loads faster then what I expected which means people won't be waiting long to see everything.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Graduation Show Pieces

These are the pieces that I had put forward to be in the show:

This was put forward to be printed, I created this poster for the Time Capsule project in Year 1.

This I chose for the same reason as the above poster, and I created it at the same time.

This I chose to be shown on the projector. I created this for the most recent project Meadowlands.

This again was to be shown on the projector. This film I created for the project YCN, in the second year.

This was to be shown on the projector. I created this short film for the Crash Bang Wallop project in the first year.

I chose this to be shown on the projector. This was one of 3 animations that I had made for the 3 easy pieces project in the second year.

This is called Stomp.

I chose this to be shown on the projector. This was one of 3 animations that I had made for the 3 easy pieces project in the second year.
This is called Bongos.

I chose this to be shown on the projector. This was one of 3 animations that I had made for the 3 easy pieces project in the second year.
This is called Varese.

And the piece that was chosen to be in the show was the Bongos animation from 3 Easy Pieces.

We also, as a class, created a portfolio, which gave people who either did not have anything in the show, or not a lot to demonstrate their talents as well. And the pieces that I had created were put into it:

I chose to make this poster because I wanted to show that I had created the resolve screens that were at the end of the Meadowlands films, that were displayed within the graduation show.

This is to show the interactive stuff that could not be shown in the graduation show.
I chose to do a poster about the Bertie the Pirate interactive flash animation that I had created

Sunday, 1 May 2011

My Website Designs

To begin with I was stuck in what Iwanted to do for my website design, until when I was looking through some of my old work and I had noticed that I had previously created something that I would be using as my logo, and the basis of all of my designs for both the website and business cards.

As I said in the Business Card blog, I used the colour wheel logo that I had previously created.

Here is the background that I had created for my website, and as I have said previously I made the fade to white to draw the viewers attention to the contents.

Here is what my website will look like when I have the content, however I have changed a few things that are currently on this screen.

To begin with I moved the buttons from the left to lining up with the 'M' in Marie.

I then changed the bundle of images from a slight mess to an organised selection of images, I changed this due to quite a few comments that it made everything looked messy, and therefore when I made the change it made my website look more organised, like I am.

I also changed the text from wheat I have here to something that is more professional. And I made the text and the images be inline with each other to carry on with the organised feel of the website.

Each of the other pages had the similar layout, with the images and links on the left and writing on the right. I did not want to add loads of writing on my website as that might turn some people off, instead I want my work to speak for itself. Within all of the pages I will have the copyright symbol with my name next to it, and then a link which will say 'contact me', this will then open a new window where an email page will show up, with my email in the receiver, this means people will be able to contact me, without me having to display my contact details.

On the Print page I will have snippets of each of my different print pieces and then as the viewer clicks on them a lightbox will appear over the screen with the full version of the piece, and using 2 buttons 'next' and 'previous' the viewer will be able to click between each of the pieces without having to go out of the lightbox. The way I will achieve this is by looking up about lightboxes, and what kind of coding I will need whether it be HTML, CSS, Javascript, or all of them. After doing some research I found this website which helped me find and use the code I needed.

On the Motion page I will have a similar set up to the Print page, also I want to have the lightbox for my videos, I know that would take some different coding in comparison to the image lightbox, but I will research into what I will have to do do make it happen.
After doing some research I found this website which helped me code everything I needed.

Lastly on my CV page I will have an image of my CV on the left hand side, with a 'To Download Click Here' on the right, this means whoever was looking at my site, they would be able to download it with no problems.

Friday, 29 April 2011

My business Card

To begin with I was stuck in what I wanted to do for my website design, which meant I couldn't create my business card design until I had something to work with. That was until when I was looking through some of my old work and I had noticed that I had previously created something that I would be using as my logo, and the basis of all of my designs for both the website and business cards.

I began with sticking the logo in the top left hand corner, and using the colours I had previously placed within the logo I decided to extend the ones that are the lighter versions. I chose to use this logo for my website because as a designer I use the colour wheel to decide which colours I want to use and which colours I will use together, therefore I thought it would make sense that I use a colour wheel as part of my logo.

As shown here I extend the colours, but then I made the extended colours fade to white. I chose to do this because I thought having the colours fade out the viewers eye would follow and then see the content.

Here you can't see the fade as well as what you would see on the website, however, I wanted to make the card represent myself, and I feel that I am very colourful, and therefore my business card and website will be colourful. There was only one change that I made and that was the 'M' in the middle of the logo I changed it to a white 'mt' with a black outline.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Comments and Changes I have made

During my 'Crit' session with Mark, I had different comments about my work that I would have to change to meet what he wanted, for example the stylising of my animation, people said that it was too simple to work with the original artowrk that I had been given originally, therefore to make my animation more effective I would have to stylise my animation better, to have it better suited with the original artwork.

Here are the changes I made:

I changed the hedges from really simple 2-dimentional 'blobs' of green to semi-3-dimentional hedges that I had created using a photo of Glynde place where the festival was taking place. I felt that stylising my animation using a familiar place to the festival would give my animation a bit of depth.

The next change I made was to the hills and the grounds of the festival. Using an artist style I was able to make my hills look more stylised. I also cut out some of the flowers out from the original artwork logo, this is so I can place them all over the grounds and the hills. The flowers are to be used to stylise to animation as well as I will be using them for subliminal messaging.

I then changed the style of the tents, as I had been told that they were to simple for the animation. The way I changed them was to put shadows of them to make them more 3-dimentional.

The last change I had made was to the trees. To begin with I deleted the old tress to start fom scratch I then, using the same artist as before as a basis, I used different tools such as the pen tool, the eliptical tool and the paint brush tool.

After making all of these changes I found that my animation was stylised to how the client wanted it and therefore ended up being a more successful animation then what I had previously had made.

Mock-ups for mobile website

Here are the mock-ups that I had created for the mobile website.

I first had to decide what part of the site I wanted to create, and as one part of the site would be more popular, I decided on a section that no one else would think of, which was the Information Section. Which conequently is a very important part of the whole site.

I began by looking at the original colours and the sun beams, which gave me the ideas for the background, I used the sun strokes that had been created and extended them, as shown here.

I also had to make the logo as it is here, and to begin with there was a white background to it. To make the white background disappear I used photoshop to select the parts I wanted to delete, I used the magic wand tool to do this.

I also got the colours from the original artwork, this is so I can keep in tune with what the client would want.

Moreover, I wanted to make the mobile website as simple as possible mainly because this is supposed to be used on a mobile, and therefore if the site was complicated then it will load slower than if the site was simple. To make the site load faster I made it as simple as possibe.

How I made the Butterfly Animation

I had to begin with cutting out the butterfly from the original artwork that we had been given, this is so I can animate the butterfly away from the background.

The program I used was Photoshop, and the way I did it was to cut each of them out seperately, therefore I begin with one wing. I started with using the magic wand tool to select the right parts, I then transfered over so I was using the brush tool whilst the selected area was masked, this then allowed me to be very precise with what I was selecting.
The next step was to get out of the masked selection and have the normal selection, and when in the normal selection I then delete the background to just have the wing. The last thing I did was to make the artboard the same size as the wing.
I then repeated the same process with the other wing and the body as well, until I had each section saved seperately.

After cutting out the parts of the butterfly, I then imported them into Adobe After Effects where I would be able to manipulate them.
I first had to think about how I wanted to make the butterfly fly, and I couldn't really think of a good way, until I remembered I could use the puppet tool. The puppet tool, in After Effects, is where you can place tacs over parts of the wings or anything, and then you can manipulate the tacs that you want to, so I placed tacs all around both wing, and I made the outside ones move, as what a butterfly does.
However, doing that I found that my butterfly looked really weird and didn't look like a real butterfly at all, I therefore had to find another way to make my butterfly animate like a real butterfly.
I went onto the internet to see if there was any tutorials on how to animate a butterfly, and I found this link, which explained exactly how to animate a butterfly in the way that I originally wanted.

This technique showed me that I should used the 3D layer tool, which is situated in the layers section, I selected that for each of the layers of the butterfly, I then had the 2 wings be parented with the body. Parenting means that the objects that are being parented will do the same and the parent object, therefore if I move the body in any way the wings will move the same way as if they were each all together and not on 3 seperate layers.

After finding out how to make the wings flap like a normal butterfly I then had to make the butterfly move in the same way as a real butterfly, very twitchy and not in the same place for long. So using the position keyframes I made the butterfly move and twitch like a real butterfly would.

I then had to add the background and all of the different components that I would be having within my background. The way I created all of my different components was by using Illustrator. I had a look back into my sketchbook to see what designs I have come up with I then re-created them using illustrator, and due to the simplicity factor that I have always wanted to create it did not take me long to come up with the Illustrator designs.

The different components that I have to create are:

  • Hedges

  • Hills (front and back)

  • Tents

  • Signs (sandwich boards or billboards)

  • Trees

  • Sky (background)

  • People (to populate the festival to make it look like it is buzzing)

  • Stages (with lights, speakers etc)

  • Performers

I then imported each of these components to After Effects, and I had to move each of them in different ways, to make it look like the butterfly was traveling through the hills towards the festival, and then traveling through the festival to see all of the different parts of the festival.

The way I achieved that was by using the keyframes for both the scale and the position sections of the layers. I had to move each part seperately, which made it quite difficult and time consuming, however when I finished I found that it looked really affective with the butterfly in place, and it made it look like the viewer was travelling around this 3 dimentional animated world with the butterfly and finding all of the different parts fo the festival and all of the wonders within it.
After creating this animation I felt very proud in what I had done, it was also a big learning curve into how long some things take to make, and how short some things take to make. For example I thought the animating the butterfly would take ages, and at first it did, until I found the easier way, which then became a very short period of time to make it.
The next learning curve I had found I made was that I should not stay with my first option and if something does not work then I should find an alternative. The part of this process I was talking about was making the butterfly animate and making it look like a real butterfly.

Monday, 14 March 2011

My pitch to Mark

For my pitch I composed an animatic of what my animation would look like and roughly how long it would be, using a storyboard that I had previously created, as well as having a very short mock-up of what the beginning of the animation would look like, this would then give Mark an indication of what I would be creating for him. And finally I created about 5 different mock-ups of the mobile website that they wanted us to create, and for my section I decided to do the Information that people would need.

Here are the examples of what I had shown within my pitch:

My Storyboards:

I created this as alternative to the butterfly, however, I did not feel that this idea was as strong as the butterfly idea, and therefore I did not proceed with making it.

This is to show an animated version of what the festival will look like as a whole from a different point of view, a butterfly's point of view.

This is hopefully to be placed at the end of all of the other Meadowlands promo videos, this is so there can be some continuity between each of the different styles of videos, this will also give us an oppotunity to show the different sponsers as Mark asked for.

From each of these storyboards I made an animatic to show the timings of the animations when they are complete, also to demonstrate what they would look like when placed with music.

Brief Mock-up of animation:

The comments I had got from everyone was that they liked the animating butterfly, and Mark thought that maybe I could make an animated butterfly for their website, I therefore had to figure out how to make the butterfly fly, and look fairly realistic.

Mock-ups of each page of mobile website:

This is what the website will look like when the phone is vertical:

The comments I had for my website mock-ups were that they are a good design, however, the logo was too big, therefore I would have to make it smaller to make the website design work better.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Video and Music Research

Here are some videos that I have found that are able to give me ideas to what I would like to do for my videos.

I feel that each of these videos here are very helpful, because they are able to give me ideas into what works and what doesn't work to promote a music festival. Also these festivals attract people who are around a similar age to who Meadowlands would liek to attratc (Target audience)

Reading Festival:

Latitude Festival 2011:

Latitude Festival 2010:


For my videos I will be using music to help my storyies come to life, also it has to be copyright free, as it will be distributed, and I would not have had permission from the arists.
To do this I had 2 ideas, my first idea was to use copyright free music from the bands that will be performing at the festival, this is because I will be having animals or people hearing the music from the festival, and then going towards the festival where the music will get louder.
Secondly, I can get a few pieces of music from a copyright free website, that I could add in to my animatics for my pitch. The website I have found to do this is: and the pieces of music I have chosen are:

Barn Beat and Destination. I chose these 2 because I felt that they fitted in nicely with what I was trying to convey.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Research into Optimising for Small Screen (Mobile)

I will need to do some research into optimizing websites for small screen, so that I will be able to fit the website onto a mobile device.
Therefore the mains components that I am looking for is the layout and mainly the size of what they should be.
After looking through different websites, I found this website which helped me understand what I would have to do.
This website is very useful, in the sense that it give me the information that I will need, for example under the heading Use Fluid Layouts this tells me that the best things that I could do, within CSS/HTML, is to not use pixel dimentions for my website, instead I should use percentages. This is because there are many different screen that the website would be viewed on, and this allows for the webiste to adapt to the different screen sizes.

There was then a link that I clicked on to show what kind of layouts would be best.
There are many different layouts that I could use, for example:

Left Fluid Layout

Blog Style

'Holy Grail'

Full Screen

Each of these layout I feel would be very effective in creating my website, however, I feel that I would most likely use, either the Full Screen layout, and then have the buttons running along below the Heading, or the Left layout. This is mainly becasue they would be simple and easy for the viewer to see where everything is, especially as they would be viewing it on a small screen.
I think that for my website, I will use 1024 x 768 px as a basis, and then I will make it smaller to fit the screen using ratios etc.

Research into Using Social Media (Meadowlands)

Meadowlands are currently using different types of social media to expand their branding and get their name out in the public's' eye. The social medias that they are using are Facebook, Twitter and My Space.

Here are some screen shots from te different social media sites that Meadowlands are using.

My Space:
These are the pages at which I found using the meadowlands festival website. I feel that even though they are on the main websites, they are not really using them to their full potential.

Also, what I have noticed is that they have not got a YouTube channel where they would be able to show off different advertising videos, as well as some videos of the bands that would be performing at the festival. This would allow them to expand and get people inetersted in the festival, also maybe even get them to go to the festival.

For example: This is the YouTube page that Reading Festival had set up for the 2010 festival, this shows different videos before and after the 2010 festival. Having a YouTube page means that other people who haven't been to the festival before can see what it is like, as well as seeing who has performed and who will be performing.

Research into Internet Coverage

To allow us to make a website that will be optimized for mobiles, and then be used at the festival, which will be held outside, we have to look at what the internet coverage is like around that area. Therefore I looked on the internet, via Google, and found this website, which shows what the coverage is like in this area through different servers, such as O2, 3G, Vodafone, Virgin, T-Mobile and Orange.
Using this website I was able to find our that 3G coverage is good indoors and outdoors:
Orange has got bad coverage round that area:

Vodafone has got good coverage:

Therefore I have found that will should be able to create a website for mobiles, which can be used at the festival. Also as we might be attending the festival, so that we could film at the festival and create post-festival videos that can be shown for next years festival.

Research into Other Festivals

There are many different festivals that I could use as a reference to create the pre-festival videos etc. To get the most effective way of advertising I will be looking at the most famous festival that are held in the UK.

Glastonbury: On the website that I have shown here, there is a History page that shows the history of the festival. For example Glastonbury started in 1970, and during that first festival there were about 1,500 people who attended, and the ticket prices started at £1 including free milk from the farm. Then when you look at those statistics and then compare them with 2009, when there had been about 135,000 people that had attended, 37,000 tickets for crew and performers, and then 5,000 tickets sold for Sunday and the ticket prices cost £175 each.
This information shows that festivals can grow over a period of time; the amount of people who attend including the artists, crew and workers, and the prices of the tickets.

Reading Festival is another famous annual festival that is known to the target audience, which is the younger generation. This website is from the Reading Festival 2010, and now there is a website that will be online soon, that will be advertising the 2011 festival. However, I am using this website as a source to find out how other festivals are advertised and seen online. On this website, there are many tabs explaining different parts of the festival, for example Tickets (how much they cost and how to get them), Line Up (showing the different performers who will be at the festival, including where and timings), and due to this website being about last years festival, there are tabs that show what happened at the festival, they are Photos and Videos, and therefore if viewers look at these tabs they would want to buy tickets for the next years festival, which is this year consequently (2011).


Again this is website is from the 2010 festival, therefore there are tabs like Photos and Videos that will be used to entice people to go in 2011, however, in comparison to the Reading Festival Creamfields festival have already set up a website for this years festival (2011). On that website there is information about the history of Creamfields, for example when the festival began, which was 1998, and there were about 25,000 people who attended, demonstrating the rule of word of mouth and advertising, because all it needs for one person to notice the advertising and then they tell their friends and so on.

T in the Park: show how popular festivals can be, I have found this website, which is promoting T in the Park, which for a festival that started in 1994 demonstrates how advertising and most likely word of mouth can help make a festival as popular as this one. You can see how popular this festival is that the tickets have already sold out! In this website, there are different elements that are the same as the others, there is a tab called Line Up, this tells us what performers will be there. However, there are aspects that have been renamed, for example instead of just having Photos or Videos, they have got Gallery, which I feel is better because you are able to place everything under one banner, instead of looking like you are trying to fill the space.

V Festival: This is the final website that I have looked at, this is another popular festival. This is most simplistic websites of all of them, mainly because there is only 4 headings, which contain all of the information within them. I feel that this is an effective way of laying out a website because it is simple and easy to understand for the viewer, also it lays out the vital points that everyone would want to know. However, I feel that they could have included maybe some images or videos of past festivals to entice people to come this year and the next year and so on. However, that could have been something that the creators would have wanted because they might have been using word of mouth to get their popularity, instead of showing what has happened previously.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Live Brief - Meadowlands

On Thursday 17th February we met with Mark, who began in the corporate world, with a musical background. Due to the musical background, he then decided to move away from the corporate world into the music business, for example festivals and radio.

He is currently working for a company called Meadowlands, who hold an annual music festival between 27th May and 29th May. There is currently a website that people can go to to get information and tickets, this website is

Mark had told us that we are having to create something digital that will help advertise Meadowlands Festival, so that younger people will be more inclined to attend it.

Therefore in the briefing that we had with the client we were bouncing ideas around, so that we could come up with something to create, as the client did not really have any ideas to work with.
Some of the things we had come up with were:

  • Viral Videos (Pre-festival Promos), (should be funny/shocking/mysterious) - Interviews with bands, Setting up Festival (Sped up), Location. Real Life/Animated. One or a series of them.
  • Leaflets
  • Billboards
  • Posters
  • Facebook/Twitter/Blogger
  • Online Banners (to be on similar websites)
  • Sticker Campaigns (for on the paths etc)
  • TV Adverts
  • Badges/Stickers (to be given out as gifts)
  • Bottle Jackets/Phone Socks? (maybe given out at festival)
  • Advertising in the local papers
  • Advertising on clothing (T-Shirts)
  • Mapping onto buildings
  • Competitions (winning tickets) via Radio/Online/Newspapers etc
  • Games/Applications for IPhones or Ipods or Smart Phones

We then had to think about costings, as Mark had previously told us he does not have a lot of money to spend for advertising. Therefore we had to eliminate the ideas that would cost the most money. Therefore these are the ideas that had to be binned:

  • TV Adverts
  • Bottle Jackets/Phone Socks? (maybe given out at festival)
  • Advertising on clothing (T-Shirts)
  • Mapping onto buildings

This then allowed us to adapt and work on the more viable ideas. This is when we came up with what we will be doing for our brief, which is to first create 1 or more short pre-festival promotional films, to that they could be shown on Facebook/YouTube etc. They could be either real-life or animated films.

We then have to create a website that can be optimized for mobile use. And maybe a application for IPhones and IPods, that can be used as people are at the festival to retrieve information, for example schedules for when and where bands will be performing.

And lastly we will be creating some short post-festival films so that Meadowlands can use them to promote next years festival.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

PDF - Websites

This year YCN have decided to have all of the enteries send in their work as a PDF, instead of on boards, therefore we are having to create a PDF, which demonstrates our understanding of the brief (which we have chosen), the overview of developed ideas, sketches and progress, Final project (maybe in a form of some screen shots of the relevant parts of my video), and how it would be used in an advertising environment.

Here are a few websites that I have used and looked through to get an idea of how to use grids for the layout: - Grid-Based Layout - Five simple steps to designing grid systems - part 1.

Both of these I have found using which is a website that I was shown within my first year of doing Digital Media Design FDA.

They are both very helpful for me, because they help me understand how grips work, and what would work successfully for this PDF, that I have to create for my project, and for YCN.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Problems I have had & Comments from Crit

In the 'Crit' session, I had plenty of comments that I could use to make my video better. For example, I had overlapped 2 of my people, so that one finished the other's sentence, I did that twice. The first comment, was to add more of the overlapping people so that they are all telling one part of the story, at least, also so that it would make it a continuous event that happened throughout my video.
Another comment, was to add more of the stop motion animations to my video, so that they would look more consistant and make my video even more interesting.
The next comment was to get rid of the beginning part, because everyone didn't find it relevant to my video, and would take the attention away from what I was trying to do.
The last comment I had was I had to change the voice over of Julie Hall, because she was a different quality to the others, and it didn't sound good at all, therefore I had got my mother to redo some of the parts that Julie had said, this is so it wouldn't sound that bad.

Lastly, the lighting in Robert's interview was terrible, which then meant that the video was grainy and pixelated.
I therefore had to re-shoot his video, or not use him visually. Therefore, I had to contact him to see if he could do it in the time space that I had, and luckily he was free, and therefore I was able to re-shoot him. However, this time I decided to use a black background, which would make Robert stand out more, and I changed the lighting a bit, so that again he would stand out better.
Luckily, this time it worked. And therefore I changed the videos from the old ones to the new ones.

I was able to make all of the changes and more to then make my video to the best of my ability. I also got a comment from another lecturer, saying that I could have added more effects to make the video more visually interesting. I feel that if I had more time I could have done that, however, to due to the issues that I had with getting hold of people and getting people filmed, I ran out of time.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Programs Using and Used

I have used different programs to create the different elements for my video.
For the video itself, I am using Final Cut Pro.

Final Cut Pro allowed me to cut my videos up and place them into places that I would like them to be. However, because I have only got a PC at home I found it very difficult to carry on using Final Cut Pro, and therefore one of my Lecturers showed me a way to use Adobe After Effects in the same way.

I began using Adobe After Effects to create my stop motion animations, therefore I was very comfortable with using it, and I also had it at home, which then allowed me to work on it as much as I wanted. Creating the different stop motion animations ment that I had to use different features within After Effects, for example the In and Out points to cut up the different parts of the films.

Lastly, I used Adobe Illustrator to create some of the graphics, and to modify some of the images to make them lighter or darker.

Questions Used for Interviews

For the Four Children:

  1. What is your name?

  2. What school do you go to?

  3. What do you think FairTrade means?

  4. What have you done for the FairTrade Festival?

  5. What do you think that Anthem is about?

  6. What lines did you help create?

  7. What do you think it means?

  8. What did you enjoy most from this experience?

For Robert Eggleston:

  1. What is your name?

  2. What do you do for FairTrade (Job)?

  3. What is a FairTrade Town?

  4. When did Burgess Hill become a FairTrade Town?

  5. How and Why did Burgess Hill become a FairTrade Town?

  6. When was the first FairTrade Festival?

  7. How long does the Festival run for?

  8. What events are there at the Festival?

  9. Do people volunteer or do you have to ask them?

  10. What type of people volunteer?

  11. Is there a commitee of people making the decisions about the festival?

For Julie Hall:

  1. What is your name?

  2. What do you do?

  3. Do you do anything outside of Burgess Hill to promote FairTrade?

  4. What are you doing for the FairTrade Festival?

  5. Why are you involved in the Festival?

  6. Are you more aware of FairTrade by doing the Festival?

  7. Would you ever do the festival again?

Using these questions that I have come up with will allow me to create a story between all of the different people talking.

Progress of Brief

I have currently started creating my animations, from my sketches and storyboards that I have created, the first one I have created is a chocolate stop motion animation, which will co-inside with what Robert Eggleston has said, when he was explaining how fairtrade works.

I created my stop motion animation by firsting having to make sure that the camera was on a tri-pod so that the framing hardly moved. I then made sure that my positioning of my objects were in the frame, and that you could see the products.

For example in this test shot you cannot see the chocolate that well, therefore I decided to use a white sheet or something to make the chocolate stand out from the carpet.

For example in this photograph here, I have put a white sheet below the chocolate and therefore the chocolate stands out.

After showing my video to my tutors my video and the progress, they had said that I should include more stop motion animation. Therefore I had decided to go through my video to pick out the parts that I can animate.

I then used the idea of when Robert was explaining about the different events that will be at the Burgess Hill FairTrade Festival, I thought I could make 3 short animations to go with what he was saying.

Therefore I chose, 'an acoustic evening',


And Rock.

I then thought about doing another small animation showing the different types of people who can get involved with Fairtrade, which again goes with what Robert says again.

Also there was a part that was said about how buying fairtrade items won't cost people 'more than a few extra pennies'.

Therefore I chose to do another even smaller animation just showing about 3 or 4 pennies disappearing from this group of pennies.

Also within my video Robert mentions about the different shops that sell FairTrade products as well as Fairly Traded product, and therefore I went around to each shop, asked their permission if I could take a photo of their products and their signs so I may put them into my video. And here are the shops.

I then added the products that had been mentioned. For example: Oranges, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate and Bananas