Tuesday 1 March 2011

Video and Music Research

Here are some videos that I have found that are able to give me ideas to what I would like to do for my videos.

I feel that each of these videos here are very helpful, because they are able to give me ideas into what works and what doesn't work to promote a music festival. Also these festivals attract people who are around a similar age to who Meadowlands would liek to attratc (Target audience)

Reading Festival:

Latitude Festival 2011:

Latitude Festival 2010:


For my videos I will be using music to help my storyies come to life, also it has to be copyright free, as it will be distributed, and I would not have had permission from the arists.
To do this I had 2 ideas, my first idea was to use copyright free music from the bands that will be performing at the festival, this is because I will be having animals or people hearing the music from the festival, and then going towards the festival where the music will get louder.
Secondly, I can get a few pieces of music from a copyright free website, that I could add in to my animatics for my pitch. The website I have found to do this is:
www.soundjay.com/free-music-2.html and the pieces of music I have chosen are:

Barn Beat and Destination. I chose these 2 because I felt that they fitted in nicely with what I was trying to convey.

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