Wednesday 9 February 2011

Problems I have had & Comments from Crit

In the 'Crit' session, I had plenty of comments that I could use to make my video better. For example, I had overlapped 2 of my people, so that one finished the other's sentence, I did that twice. The first comment, was to add more of the overlapping people so that they are all telling one part of the story, at least, also so that it would make it a continuous event that happened throughout my video.
Another comment, was to add more of the stop motion animations to my video, so that they would look more consistant and make my video even more interesting.
The next comment was to get rid of the beginning part, because everyone didn't find it relevant to my video, and would take the attention away from what I was trying to do.
The last comment I had was I had to change the voice over of Julie Hall, because she was a different quality to the others, and it didn't sound good at all, therefore I had got my mother to redo some of the parts that Julie had said, this is so it wouldn't sound that bad.

Lastly, the lighting in Robert's interview was terrible, which then meant that the video was grainy and pixelated.
I therefore had to re-shoot his video, or not use him visually. Therefore, I had to contact him to see if he could do it in the time space that I had, and luckily he was free, and therefore I was able to re-shoot him. However, this time I decided to use a black background, which would make Robert stand out more, and I changed the lighting a bit, so that again he would stand out better.
Luckily, this time it worked. And therefore I changed the videos from the old ones to the new ones.

I was able to make all of the changes and more to then make my video to the best of my ability. I also got a comment from another lecturer, saying that I could have added more effects to make the video more visually interesting. I feel that if I had more time I could have done that, however, to due to the issues that I had with getting hold of people and getting people filmed, I ran out of time.

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