Sunday 1 May 2011

My Website Designs

To begin with I was stuck in what Iwanted to do for my website design, until when I was looking through some of my old work and I had noticed that I had previously created something that I would be using as my logo, and the basis of all of my designs for both the website and business cards.

As I said in the Business Card blog, I used the colour wheel logo that I had previously created.

Here is the background that I had created for my website, and as I have said previously I made the fade to white to draw the viewers attention to the contents.

Here is what my website will look like when I have the content, however I have changed a few things that are currently on this screen.

To begin with I moved the buttons from the left to lining up with the 'M' in Marie.

I then changed the bundle of images from a slight mess to an organised selection of images, I changed this due to quite a few comments that it made everything looked messy, and therefore when I made the change it made my website look more organised, like I am.

I also changed the text from wheat I have here to something that is more professional. And I made the text and the images be inline with each other to carry on with the organised feel of the website.

Each of the other pages had the similar layout, with the images and links on the left and writing on the right. I did not want to add loads of writing on my website as that might turn some people off, instead I want my work to speak for itself. Within all of the pages I will have the copyright symbol with my name next to it, and then a link which will say 'contact me', this will then open a new window where an email page will show up, with my email in the receiver, this means people will be able to contact me, without me having to display my contact details.

On the Print page I will have snippets of each of my different print pieces and then as the viewer clicks on them a lightbox will appear over the screen with the full version of the piece, and using 2 buttons 'next' and 'previous' the viewer will be able to click between each of the pieces without having to go out of the lightbox. The way I will achieve this is by looking up about lightboxes, and what kind of coding I will need whether it be HTML, CSS, Javascript, or all of them. After doing some research I found this website which helped me find and use the code I needed.

On the Motion page I will have a similar set up to the Print page, also I want to have the lightbox for my videos, I know that would take some different coding in comparison to the image lightbox, but I will research into what I will have to do do make it happen.
After doing some research I found this website which helped me code everything I needed.

Lastly on my CV page I will have an image of my CV on the left hand side, with a 'To Download Click Here' on the right, this means whoever was looking at my site, they would be able to download it with no problems.

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