Monday 6 June 2011

Email Coversation with Mark about post-fest promos


Lovely stuff. Is it up on you tube we should put it up on the facebook site(s). Love to see the Jo Harman one soon too.

Nice one!


Hi Mark,

I have made a promo of Mamas Gun, and someone else has made a Jo Harman film.

Here is the Mamas Gun one, I only had limited footage, but I only wanted to make something short and in your face.

What do you think?



yeah would love that!


I am glad you like them, I got the footage from Harry and Sam who went to the festival, I will have a look for Mamas Gun and Jo Harman.

Would you like me to make 2 films each about them?



Look great! I've set em round!

Did you get any more footage (however rough) of Mamas Gun and Jo Harman (both featured in film)

If so be interested to see it


Hi Mark,

I have made and put up on YouTube a couple of Promo films, I thought you would like to have a look at them and see what you think.

Here are the links to them:

Hope you like them.

Marie Turner

(Digital Media Design Student)

- Associate Director, BiG i AM music and promotions
- PR consultant/associate Meadowlands Festival, 2011.
- Music correspondent, What's Happening Magazine
- Monthly music columnist, BN1 Magazine
- Monthly music/arts columnist Guide2Brighton
- Guest lecturer, Sussex Downs University (music production)
- A&R consultant, Yellow Fish Sessions media programmes

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