Saturday 4 June 2011

Meadowlands - YouTube

I have been monitoring my viral animation as well as my promo film, which was uploaded to YouTube on the 2nd June 2011.

With regards to my viral film I have noticed that it has has over 300 viewings within 1 month, which then leads me to conclude that I had made a fairly successful viral film, to have had that many viewings in such a sort space of time. Which consequently answers part of the Meadowlands Brief.

With regards to my first post-festival promo film, I have again noticed that this film has had over 90 viewings within 2 days of being uploaded to YouTube. I also emailed the film to Mark Ede, being our client, and his response to seeing this was:
"Look great! I've set em round!" Indicating that he was pleased with what I had created, and he wanted to show other people as well.

The relevance to this was to demonstrate the effectiveness of both my animation (pre-festival promo) and my post-festival promo film were on YouTube.

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