Tuesday 12 April 2011

Mock-ups for mobile website

Here are the mock-ups that I had created for the mobile website.

I first had to decide what part of the site I wanted to create, and as one part of the site would be more popular, I decided on a section that no one else would think of, which was the Information Section. Which conequently is a very important part of the whole site.

I began by looking at the original colours and the sun beams, which gave me the ideas for the background, I used the sun strokes that had been created and extended them, as shown here.

I also had to make the logo as it is here, and to begin with there was a white background to it. To make the white background disappear I used photoshop to select the parts I wanted to delete, I used the magic wand tool to do this.

I also got the colours from the original artwork, this is so I can keep in tune with what the client would want.

Moreover, I wanted to make the mobile website as simple as possible mainly because this is supposed to be used on a mobile, and therefore if the site was complicated then it will load slower than if the site was simple. To make the site load faster I made it as simple as possibe.

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