Tuesday 1 February 2011

Questions Used for Interviews

For the Four Children:

  1. What is your name?

  2. What school do you go to?

  3. What do you think FairTrade means?

  4. What have you done for the FairTrade Festival?

  5. What do you think that Anthem is about?

  6. What lines did you help create?

  7. What do you think it means?

  8. What did you enjoy most from this experience?

For Robert Eggleston:

  1. What is your name?

  2. What do you do for FairTrade (Job)?

  3. What is a FairTrade Town?

  4. When did Burgess Hill become a FairTrade Town?

  5. How and Why did Burgess Hill become a FairTrade Town?

  6. When was the first FairTrade Festival?

  7. How long does the Festival run for?

  8. What events are there at the Festival?

  9. Do people volunteer or do you have to ask them?

  10. What type of people volunteer?

  11. Is there a commitee of people making the decisions about the festival?

For Julie Hall:

  1. What is your name?

  2. What do you do?

  3. Do you do anything outside of Burgess Hill to promote FairTrade?

  4. What are you doing for the FairTrade Festival?

  5. Why are you involved in the Festival?

  6. Are you more aware of FairTrade by doing the Festival?

  7. Would you ever do the festival again?

Using these questions that I have come up with will allow me to create a story between all of the different people talking.

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