Saturday 26 February 2011

Research into Using Social Media (Meadowlands)

Meadowlands are currently using different types of social media to expand their branding and get their name out in the public's' eye. The social medias that they are using are Facebook, Twitter and My Space.

Here are some screen shots from te different social media sites that Meadowlands are using.

My Space:
These are the pages at which I found using the meadowlands festival website. I feel that even though they are on the main websites, they are not really using them to their full potential.

Also, what I have noticed is that they have not got a YouTube channel where they would be able to show off different advertising videos, as well as some videos of the bands that would be performing at the festival. This would allow them to expand and get people inetersted in the festival, also maybe even get them to go to the festival.

For example: This is the YouTube page that Reading Festival had set up for the 2010 festival, this shows different videos before and after the 2010 festival. Having a YouTube page means that other people who haven't been to the festival before can see what it is like, as well as seeing who has performed and who will be performing.

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