Wednesday 23 February 2011

Live Brief - Meadowlands

On Thursday 17th February we met with Mark, who began in the corporate world, with a musical background. Due to the musical background, he then decided to move away from the corporate world into the music business, for example festivals and radio.

He is currently working for a company called Meadowlands, who hold an annual music festival between 27th May and 29th May. There is currently a website that people can go to to get information and tickets, this website is

Mark had told us that we are having to create something digital that will help advertise Meadowlands Festival, so that younger people will be more inclined to attend it.

Therefore in the briefing that we had with the client we were bouncing ideas around, so that we could come up with something to create, as the client did not really have any ideas to work with.
Some of the things we had come up with were:

  • Viral Videos (Pre-festival Promos), (should be funny/shocking/mysterious) - Interviews with bands, Setting up Festival (Sped up), Location. Real Life/Animated. One or a series of them.
  • Leaflets
  • Billboards
  • Posters
  • Facebook/Twitter/Blogger
  • Online Banners (to be on similar websites)
  • Sticker Campaigns (for on the paths etc)
  • TV Adverts
  • Badges/Stickers (to be given out as gifts)
  • Bottle Jackets/Phone Socks? (maybe given out at festival)
  • Advertising in the local papers
  • Advertising on clothing (T-Shirts)
  • Mapping onto buildings
  • Competitions (winning tickets) via Radio/Online/Newspapers etc
  • Games/Applications for IPhones or Ipods or Smart Phones

We then had to think about costings, as Mark had previously told us he does not have a lot of money to spend for advertising. Therefore we had to eliminate the ideas that would cost the most money. Therefore these are the ideas that had to be binned:

  • TV Adverts
  • Bottle Jackets/Phone Socks? (maybe given out at festival)
  • Advertising on clothing (T-Shirts)
  • Mapping onto buildings

This then allowed us to adapt and work on the more viable ideas. This is when we came up with what we will be doing for our brief, which is to first create 1 or more short pre-festival promotional films, to that they could be shown on Facebook/YouTube etc. They could be either real-life or animated films.

We then have to create a website that can be optimized for mobile use. And maybe a application for IPhones and IPods, that can be used as people are at the festival to retrieve information, for example schedules for when and where bands will be performing.

And lastly we will be creating some short post-festival films so that Meadowlands can use them to promote next years festival.

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