Saturday 26 February 2011

Research into Optimising for Small Screen (Mobile)

I will need to do some research into optimizing websites for small screen, so that I will be able to fit the website onto a mobile device.
Therefore the mains components that I am looking for is the layout and mainly the size of what they should be.
After looking through different websites, I found this website which helped me understand what I would have to do.
This website is very useful, in the sense that it give me the information that I will need, for example under the heading Use Fluid Layouts this tells me that the best things that I could do, within CSS/HTML, is to not use pixel dimentions for my website, instead I should use percentages. This is because there are many different screen that the website would be viewed on, and this allows for the webiste to adapt to the different screen sizes.

There was then a link that I clicked on to show what kind of layouts would be best.
There are many different layouts that I could use, for example:

Left Fluid Layout

Blog Style

'Holy Grail'

Full Screen

Each of these layout I feel would be very effective in creating my website, however, I feel that I would most likely use, either the Full Screen layout, and then have the buttons running along below the Heading, or the Left layout. This is mainly becasue they would be simple and easy for the viewer to see where everything is, especially as they would be viewing it on a small screen.
I think that for my website, I will use 1024 x 768 px as a basis, and then I will make it smaller to fit the screen using ratios etc.

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