Monday 14 March 2011

My pitch to Mark

For my pitch I composed an animatic of what my animation would look like and roughly how long it would be, using a storyboard that I had previously created, as well as having a very short mock-up of what the beginning of the animation would look like, this would then give Mark an indication of what I would be creating for him. And finally I created about 5 different mock-ups of the mobile website that they wanted us to create, and for my section I decided to do the Information that people would need.

Here are the examples of what I had shown within my pitch:

My Storyboards:

I created this as alternative to the butterfly, however, I did not feel that this idea was as strong as the butterfly idea, and therefore I did not proceed with making it.

This is to show an animated version of what the festival will look like as a whole from a different point of view, a butterfly's point of view.

This is hopefully to be placed at the end of all of the other Meadowlands promo videos, this is so there can be some continuity between each of the different styles of videos, this will also give us an oppotunity to show the different sponsers as Mark asked for.

From each of these storyboards I made an animatic to show the timings of the animations when they are complete, also to demonstrate what they would look like when placed with music.

Brief Mock-up of animation:

The comments I had got from everyone was that they liked the animating butterfly, and Mark thought that maybe I could make an animated butterfly for their website, I therefore had to figure out how to make the butterfly fly, and look fairly realistic.

Mock-ups of each page of mobile website:

This is what the website will look like when the phone is vertical:

The comments I had for my website mock-ups were that they are a good design, however, the logo was too big, therefore I would have to make it smaller to make the website design work better.

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