Tuesday 1 February 2011

Programs Using and Used

I have used different programs to create the different elements for my video.
For the video itself, I am using Final Cut Pro.

Final Cut Pro allowed me to cut my videos up and place them into places that I would like them to be. However, because I have only got a PC at home I found it very difficult to carry on using Final Cut Pro, and therefore one of my Lecturers showed me a way to use Adobe After Effects in the same way.

I began using Adobe After Effects to create my stop motion animations, therefore I was very comfortable with using it, and I also had it at home, which then allowed me to work on it as much as I wanted. Creating the different stop motion animations ment that I had to use different features within After Effects, for example the In and Out points to cut up the different parts of the films.

Lastly, I used Adobe Illustrator to create some of the graphics, and to modify some of the images to make them lighter or darker.

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