Sunday 29 May 2011

My Problems I have had

With my website, I found I did not have many big problems until I found that my website when I uploaded it to the internet and my videos did not play, also when I tested my site in Internet Explorer I found that the Video Lightbox did not work either so I had to go back to the code to figure out what did not work and what I had to change.

Also some of my buttons within the image lightbox were not showing up, therefore I had to take a look at the coding to see what was wrong.

I fixed the buttons problem easily, the way I did it was by looking back into the HTML code to see where the code was trying to find the image, and I had found that it was being directed to the wrong place, therefore I had to re-link the HTML by finding the right path to the image, after doing that I then found that they worked.

Trying to fix the first problem found to be a lot harder then I anticipated.
I began with trying to re-link them like I did with the buttons, but unfortunately that did not work.

I then tried deleting the code that was there to begin with and then restarting the process all again, I tried that technique about 3 times, however, again that did not work either. I wass beginning to think that I would never be able to get my videos to play, which was my main concern.
After trying everything I could think of my dad then asked me have I checked the server to see if there was a MIME setting that would allow for the videos to play. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. After checking the server I found that there was no MIME setting for .m4v videos, I therefore looked up on the internet what I would have to put into the server to allow for the videos to play, and the code was video/x-m4v. This told the internet to play this file type. And after doing this small change I then tested my website in IE 7/8/9, Firefox and Safari and the videos all played beautifully in each.

The last and final problem I had to solve was the video lightbox not working in Internet Explorer. After looking through the coding I found that there was some code at the bottom at was for the normal lightbox, therefore I cut it out of the motion section and stuck it in the print section. After testing my videos in Internet Explorer I found that I had fixed the problem, and I had sorted everything that was making my website look unprofessional.

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