Tuesday 1 February 2011

Research for Fairtrade

This video I got from YouTube. This video I have chosen because it is a good way to explain how Fair Trade works. It has also been a good reference into what I could do for my video. However, this is mainly for people who haven't heard of Fair trade, and are not already ethically aware.

Again I found this video via YouTube. I like this video because it makes the inanimate objects, (the different fruit and vegatables)feel more personal, mainly because they each have their own story and jobs etc. Each of the fruits represent the different workers that help grow and harvest the fruit.

This video again I found on YouTube. This video is very explanitory about what Fair Trade is. There is a voice over, and the words from the voice over are displayed, but they are animated so that it makes the video look better and more ineteresting, then if they were just plonked on the screen in the middle.

Each of these video are very helpful because they show me what I may have to do to make my video stand out. However, there are a few things that I will be doing different to these videos. These videos are very informative about what FairTrade is, and I will not be touching on that subject so significantly, there will be a brief description, and then I will move onto different points, which is what I will come up with.

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