Monday 17 January 2011

YCN trip and Final Decision

On the 13th January 2011 we went on a trip to London to visit the company YCN. YCN are the company who hosts the YCN Student Awards every year, which allows for Students and younger people to show what they can create for the briefs that are set.
The trip was very insightful into what the clients are really looking for. We also were shown past winners, and they made me think that I owuld have to think outside of the box to get noticed.

After looking again at the different briefs, I found that my shortlist had changed from 20th Century Fox, Sega and Fairtrade to Green and Black's and Fairtrade. I chose Green and Black's because I had come up with many different ideas.

However, we then had to pitch our ideas to the whole class, to see which idea they thought was the strongest. Some of the comments of my Green and Black's idea made me think, for example, one person said that they were looking for a viral campaign, and my idea wasn't really viral.

And therefore my final decision for my assignment is Fairtrade. This is because I feel that I had more ideas for Fairtrade, and I think that I will be able to match the Fairtrade Brief better then the Green and Black's Brief.

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