Sunday 17 October 2010


To begin with I have found this project to be interesting and I have really enjoyed it.
I have seemed to get on well with After Effects, and I feel I have used a wide range of different effects and techniques to create my 3 animations.
I feel I have worked well given the time that we were given, and given the fact that I did not have After Effects at home, also I have used my time well, getting everything done before the deadline day. Which allowed me to come in earlier, and finesse my work, before my 'Crit' Session.

In regards to my animations, I am very happy with all three of them, this is because I have worked hard on them to make sure they match the brief, to the best of my ability.
I also like the fact that they all have similar types of music (objects making the sounds), this is because I was able to use a range of different techniques to make them different and original.

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