Sunday 10 October 2010


To begin with I was going to use the primary colours, because this would have gone with the primary shapes that I have used.
However, after showing my animations to my tutors they pointed out that using the primary colours didn't really fit with the themes of the music, therefore after doing a bit of research I had to change the colours to ones that fitted.
I found all of these colour swatches from

The first one that I chose for my Bongo Animation was called Bongo. I felt this colour swatch was best because there are natural colours, with a light blue which is what I wanted.
These 2 (above and below) I found to use for my Bins Animation. I chose these 2 because the music is from a group called Stomp, who use physical bins to create the music. Therefore I used bin like colours for my animation.
And for my Varese Animation I have used grey scale colours, with black and whites. As well as a bronzey colour. I chose these colours because I wanted this animation to be a bit different in comparison to the other 2 animations. As well as the song, Hyperprism, had been created in 1923 and the other 2 are more recent.

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