Sunday 17 October 2010

My Bins Animation

Here is my finished Bins Animation, I have rendered it out into a Quick Time movie.
I feel that I have used the Bongo Animation to my advantage, because I was able to learn from it and then adapt this animation to make it better.
The colours work well, because first I got the swatches from Kuler, therefore I was able to use authentic colours, which would go with the theme of my music.
The movements that I have chosen are jagged, this is they way I wanted it because the music is very clangy and metallic and therefore it fits in with the theme again.
All in all I feel that this animation fits the brief that had been set.

The principles that I have used are:
  • Timing
  • Speed of Change
  • Arcs
  • Squash and Stretch
  • Motivation/Anticipation
  • Follow Through
  • Overlapping Action
  • Staging/Exaggeration

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