Tuesday 5 October 2010

New Theme

Whilst I was sketching out my ideas I started listening to a song, which then gave me another idea. However this time I felt that it would have been better then the other ideas, I then explained my idea to my tutor, and he then suggested why didn't I do all 3 animations on the same theme, except use different types of music.
Therefore I decided to then change the whole theme of my project, even though I had extensively looked into my other ideas, I felt that this idea would give me more oppotunities to be more creative, in both the design and animation.
Now my new theme is having simple shapes moving to make them look like they are creating the sounds and music that the audience will be able to hear.

The first song that I listened to, which made me change my mind, Played Alive (The Bongo Song) by Safri Duo. This song gave me the inspiration to do something different, and that can answer the brief better.

One of the tutors gave me the name of someone who did something similar, they made music with an aray of different instruments (not the conventional ones), the name of this person is Edgar Varese. I then looked him up on You Tube to see what kind of music he did. I then found there were a few of his pieces that I liked, one was called Ionisation and another one was Hyperprism. I listened to both of them to decide which one would be better for this project, I then decided that I would use Hyperprism.

I then had to choose a third piece of music that was different from the first two. I then remembered a group of people that created music using random everyday objects, for example plungers, bins, chairs etc. This group was called Stomp. I then had to decide which one of their many songs I was going to use. I listened to quite a few of their songs, for example Bins, Plungers and Brooms. After listening extensively to each one I then decided on using Bins for my final animation, mainly because I was able to use the beats that were created.

There will be a common link between these 3 animations, and that will be a build up of sounds in the beginning and then a fade out of sounds at the end.

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