Tuesday 5 October 2010

music for new theme

This is a video of the song Bins by Stomp, and I will be using the section of music between 1 minute and 50 seconds to 2 minutes and 10 seconds (1:50 - 2:10), this is because I thought this part had the build up and fade out that I wanted, as well as having different beats that I could use.

This is a video of the song that I decided to use called Hyperprism by Edgar Varese, I will be using the part between 25 seconds and 41 seconds (0:25 - 0:41), this is because again it has the build up and fade out that I wanted, and as well as having quite a few different sounds for me to animate to.

This is the last of my chosen songs, this is The Bongo Song by Safri Duo, and I will be using the part between 0 seconds and 20 seconds (0:00 - 0:20) (the beginning), this is once again because it has the build up and fade out that I originally wanted, as well as having many different sounds and beats for me to animate to.

After looking for the 'Bins' song and 'Hyperprism' song in iTunes and Limewire, as well as looking if there were any CD's that I could buy, I found I was able to buy 'Hyperprism' through iTunes, but it was not the same as the one I had previously found on YouTube, also I had no luck with the 'Bins' song, the only way I could possibly get it is by buying the DVD and then extracting the sound, which would have taken up time.

I then was told (by my dad) that he could extract the music from the video, from YouTube, using a programme that I linked to Firefox. This process begun with him opening this programme, within Firefox, and then going to the correct video within YouTube, and just below the video itself, and below the 'embed' button, is another button that allows you to click on it and a drop-down menu appears, which asks you in what format do you want to video/sound converted to, in this instance we converted the music to a MP3, we also got the option of having it in Standard Quality or High Quality, therefore I chose the High Quality. And after listening to it, I found it is really good quality.

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