Friday 22 January 2010

Research on Colour - Moods and Colour

Colours are not only nice to look at they can also be used as a sort of therapy for different people. They say that you can use colour to either create a mood or help to change your mood.

For example:

Red, there are many different symbolisms for this colour: passion, love, anger, pain, blood.

Here I have found an image where the colour red was used, as you can see the object is in the shape of a heart and a heart is a sign of love and maybe even passion.

However, even though this object and many others have a nice feeling with it, there are also images that have horrible feelings, for example images of blood or the devil, as red is also associated with these as well.

Here is another colour that has moods, yellow: Yellow can be represented by flowers, the sun etc. However due to the nature of the colour, the emotions that are normally linked with yellow are nice.

Here I have found an image of the sun, sun can make you feel warm and happy.

The last colour that I am going to link to moods is Blue.

Blue, in many societies is has normally got different moods that are linked, for example cold, calming, sadness etc.

I have found an image that portrays some of the emotions that I have previously mentioned, especially Cold and Calming.

These examples are to show what I am hoping to show in my website and I will explain further into linking moods and colour, and colour theory itself.

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