Friday 8 January 2010

Production Log for my Tree Poster

First I had come up with a few sketches in my sketch book, this was so I could get an idea of what I wanted to do for my final designs. I decided on 2 designs from my sketch book that I thought were of the same style and techniques that Alex Katz used.
I first decided to try and create my own version of the tree paintings that Alex Katz had done, I first started with the trunk of the tree, I situated it in the middle because I felt that I would give the audience something to focus on, therefore I was making it the focus point.

I then created the branches, that came out of the trunk of the tree, here I used the line tool.
Then using an art brush I would create the leaves that in the original Katz had used his art brush to give a certain effect I therefore tried imitating this using an art brush in Illustrator. I first picked out the main colour, which her was a golden brown colour, this was to show the autumn leaves.

I then chose the next colour that I would use which was a darker brown this would show the leaves that were in the later stages of autumn, I also included some brown bits on the trunk this was to give a sens that the tree must have been quite old, maybe with some rot on it.

I then decreased the opacity of the leaves this is so I made the image look more like a painting.

I also used the font Tohoma, This was after my research I had concluded Tohoma was best for this particular artist and his time. Therefore to make the name stand out more I had made the name bigger then the other text and I had made it bold.
This design, with the text at the bottom and the top with the image filling the middle, I have found quite an interesting design at which is why I had chosen it to use for one of my poster designs.

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