Thursday 19 November 2009

Progression on my Box

I first had to decide on a theme, and first I thought about doing something similar to Milk Chews (these are a calcium based sweet for children), however, I had come up with too many problems also there was nothing to base my idea on and therefore could not be compared against anything. I then came up with an idea of doing chocolate covered biscuits, I knew first that there were example for me to compare my work to and it would be more likely to sell as a product.

Now that I had my theme I then had to decide on a name, previous to this I had already thought about names for my character, (as in my research I have found that most characters on box have some sort of name), the name I had chosen was Cyril, and just to make things clear to the customer I then added Cyril the Squirrel, I came up with Biscuits Bites whilst playing about with ideas in my sketch book.

I also made my mind up that I wanted on my packaging some sort of collecting game that will entice the children to buy other packets. And on the bottom of the front of my box is where I first placed it. Also due to lack of space on the front I decided to put the instruction of the game on one of the sides. I then had to create another version of my character, which faced side ways, the way I did that was to use the image that I previously used for the colouring and then trace over it using the paint brush tool.
To make sure that I could use the characters over again and scale them without changing the stroke size I had to make them symbols, to do that I had to drag the whole image into the symbols bar (as shown here) and then type any name and then make sure the Movie Clip bit is selected and then press OK. If I wanted to change anything on the symbols I just double click them whilst they are in the symbols palette.
On the back of my box I had found a distinct pattern with the other boxes that I had done for my research and that is that each of them had some sort of game for the children to play. There were ideas like spot the different, mazes, cut outs and colour things in, after thinking about in I wanted to create a maze.

I chose the maze because I felt that I could do more with it to incorporate it in with my theme, as you can see here I had made a tree maze, this is because squirrels climb trees and then at the end of the maze is a bunch of nuts for the squirrel.
I then thought abou the colours of the maze and how they should incorporate with the design, therefore I made the parts of the maze in the trunk of the tree the same colour as the trunk, and then where the maze enters the green section of the tree the maze would turn green, this coul give the effect of the squirrels' journey up the tree.

This is the image that I had found using google for the tree of my maze.

Here is a screen shot that I had taken, every side of the box has something on it even though it is not finished. On one side I have got the instructions for my collection game, the address of the place that the children need to send the tokens to, the name of the product and the side version of the character.
On the back I have got the name of the product the maze (at which is half finished), the character (indicating where the children should start the maze), and a giant acorn, which spread around 2 other sides, this joins the sides together better.
On the other side at the moment there is only a bar code (that I had made) the name of the product and one part of the giant acorn that is on the back.
On the bottom there are terms and conditions of the collecting game that the parents must be aware of, as well as a website for the parents to go on for full terms and conditions.
Lastly, on the top is an expirey date, at which I had copied the style off of a previous box that I had used for ym research, and the top of the giant acorn from the back of the box.
This was the original Best before design that I had come up with using other packaging, however for my design it wasn't the right 1 to use, and therefore I had changed it to one that is similar to the 1 off of
a packaging that had a similar product as me.
The new design is a white background with the date and some other numbers and letters that were also on the other boxes, also the type is not perfectly straight.

On the other side of my packet I am going to do the Nutritional Information that is commonly seen on packaging. Here I am using a box that I had previous looked at in my sketch book to design the information in the style that is mostly used.
I had created the columns by first using the rectangular tool and drawing out 1 long thin line, this will divide up the columns, I then hold down ALT and SHIFT and then place 2 other lines in the appropriate places.
Then to create the lines going down, I first create 1 box at the top and the create a copy and place it directly underneath the first box, I then click on Object/Blend/Make (Tiger Stripes technique), this is to make the lines that will have the information within them. Once I had finished expanding and ungrouping the lines I then create 5 different boxes all with different shade of brown in them, this is so I can use the Ink dropper tool for the different lines in the table. Lastly I then decrease the opacity of the lines to about 80% and make sure the thin lines are in front of the thick lines.
Once everything is sorted out I then add all of the relevant information that is needing to go in the correct places in the graph.
Above that is the Allergy Advice, which allows parents, who are buying the biscuits for their children, to see clearly what specific things they need to look out for, if their child has an allergy of any kind.
Again above that I where people can find the expirey date and they can also see how they should store the product.
And then lastly I have placed the Ingredients at the top this is because the ingredients can be one of the most important things on a package of a product, because if people have specific allergies that they need to look out for then the ingredients should list everything that is in the product, it should also be clearly written so people are able to understand it as well.

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