Tuesday 20 October 2009

Target audience

With the packaging industry there are many different target audiences or target groups that maerketing companies aim at. Some of the target audiences are:
  • Children
  • Adults
  • Teenagers/Young adults
  • Parents buying for their children
  • Old aged Pensioners etc...

Every company before they even start designing everything have to decide on their target audience to whom they would want to market their product to. They would then have to research their chosen target audience, so that the marketing would be attracting the right sort of people.

For example, when looking at marketing tools for attracting children, most packaging has got more bright and bold colours that will attract their attention straight away. Also with children I have noticed with my research that 75% of products advertised for children have some sort of character, whether they are animals or people. This I feel that the marketers may have realised that children can relate food or soaps to their favourite characters on television and therefore they are more inclined to buy it, instead of having just a simple plain box with writing on it.

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