Friday 9 October 2009

Problems The I Had.

Unfortunately I had a few problems with my last QTVR. I had done everything that I had needed to do to make it, and it all looked fine in photoshop when I had saved it for the web, however when I came to putting it into Stitcher that is when I found the issues.

As I have shown here when the panorama was in Stitcher it became very pixelated and out of focused, at first I thought that the resolution was not at the correct size, therefore I went back into photoshop and had a look. There is where I found that the resolution was fine, but it was the image size that was wrong.

Some how during the course of when I was putting my images together I must of made the image size too small, which would have explained why the QTVR was so pixelated, because if the image is too small then when I had put it into Stitcher, it must have had to make the image bigger to fit (and what I knew was that you can shrink a big image but you cannot enlarge a small image).
Therefore, the only way for me to make the panorama the sam quality as the other 2 was to start from the beginning.

When I had finidhed doing everything again, and I went to redo my panorama, I found as I was looking through it that this occured, and this means that I did not overlap the images and make sure that they fitted properly, this meant I had to go back into Photoshop and overlap them.

I then had come up with another problem, luckily I knew what I needed to do to stop this white line from reoccuring.
What I needed to do to get my desired result, was to crop the image so that the excess parts of the flattened image would show, like in this screen shot to left.

And therefore I went back into Photoshop once more to do that and finally I was able to create the final QTVR, at which I had worked so hard and over come many problems to achieve.

Moreover, I had taken a forth set of photos that I did want to put together, and i had started them, however, as I am showing here it was to difficult for me to do and I had found that it I had spent more time on this then I would not have had time to do the other panoramas.

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