Tuesday 13 October 2009

ASSIGNMENT 2: Packaging Yourself: Research

There are many types of brands that use boxes to package their products in.
For example:
  • Cereal
  • Soap/Detergents
  • Chocolates/Sweets
  • Games
  • Tissues
These are the types of products that are mainly used in every day life by many different people, and in this assignment I will have to choose a area at which I will have to create a box that one of the products should be able to go into.

Eamples of the brands that use boxes are:
Here I am showing 4 different brands of cereals.

Each of these are targeted for different types of people, for example the Honey Loops are mostly targeted towards children, especially as it has got a cartoon character as a representative for it. The Country Crisp are mainly for people who would like a healthier type of cereal as it has got fiber and other things in it as well. The Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars are for people mainly who are constantly on the go or don not have time to have a bowl of cereal in the morning. And lastly the Corn Flakes have a wider range of people and ages, this is because there is a character, however it is more sophisticated then a general cartoon character that is normally used to attract young children.
Here I have put together different types of chocolate boxes, except not all of them are branded.

Each of these are using different colours to create what they want to achieve, however, each of them has a base colours at which they have worked around. Generally, a box of chocolates are for young adults and adults, this is because they are bought mainly for romance and apologies, and therefore they each have a sophisticated look to them.
Here again I am showing different types of boxes that you are able to see when you buy different games. I find normally for a board game, for each side is the name of the game and a different image of what the game is about or what is inside the box.
However, with video games for Play Station (1, 2 or 3), Game Cube, WII box etc... they have the main image and the writing on the front of the box, and then the logo of the type of console, at which the game can be play on, and the name of the game on the side, and then the story line (if there is one) and the details on the back.
In this image, to the right, I have 4 different brands of detergents that people are able to use to either wash their clothes or dishes.
Each of them have one common thing that is able to link them together and that is the colour blue, each of them some where as that colour within the image or the background. I think this is because they are for washing things with and to wash things with they each need water to work, and water is generalized to be blue.
Again, each of them have bright colours, I think that this could be because as they are revels to each other they are each trying to stand out, and the way to do that is to use bright colours and then they do not blend into the background.
Here, I am showing four different types of tissue boxes that can be bought from many different places.
The only one that is commonly known is Kleenex, however, each box is different and people do not always buy tissues by a label.
Generally tissue boxes have light colours, and not too many bold colours, this maybe because the companies that produce them want the customer to feel like that are contemporary and soft to the touch. Also some people would buy tissues due to their pricing, and this could again reflect on the look of the box, therefore if there is not a brand name and the box is quite subtle qith use of stander primary (or light) colours, then people may think that it may not have a big price tag and therefore they are more intent on buying that particular brand.

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