Friday 23 April 2010

Voice Over

To create the voice over, I couldn't just have one long running mp3, I had to split it up so that each of the scene had a seperate voice over.

To do this I had to use two programmes, one was called Audacity (this allowed me to split the original voice over with ease) and the other is The Levelator (this just leveled out the sound of each of the seperate voice overs).

I had found that because I had done my voice over I an area where there was no echoing noise, I did not have to use the Levelator. However I still used Audacity to split them up.

The way I used Audacity was to first import the voice over into a new file, I then listened through it and where I had split the scenes up I then had to split the voice overs in the same places. I then selected the scetions of voice over that I needed, cut it out and then pasted it onto a new document, I repeated this process until I had got the finished split up voice over.

The next thing that I had to do was to then select the one that I wanted to export to the use in Flash and the go to File/Export Selected. This would make it into a mp3 to use in Flash.

I then made a new layer in each of the scene in Flash and imported the correct voice over to the correct scene and import it to the library, and then all I had to do was make sure I had the right layer selected and then drag it from the library to the stage.

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