Friday 16 April 2010

Production Log for my Interface

To create my interface I had to first make some designs in my sketchbook, and then come up with a final design at which I will then create in Illustrator and Flash.

My design I wanted to be in keeping with the theme that we was set in the brief. Therefore I came up with an idea that was in keeping, that was having a sandy island to one side and then having the sun in the top left-hand corner, and lastly having the sky and sea as well. This meant that I could link all of the animations together instead of having a background that wasn't in keeping with the theme.

I first wanted to make all of the colours of each of the components correct to what the client wanted, so I therefore used some of the deisgns to get the codes for each of the colours that I needed.

I then started by creating the actual background in Illustrator and then copying everything across to Flash.
I then had to add my made buttons, that would sit in the interface so that people would then be able to click on them to see each of the animations.

The reason why I chose the interface design that I did was because it was simple and I think that it would fit in with the theme of each animation well. Also I feel that the target audience would like it, and it would not distract them from the main component of this site which is the animations.

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