Friday 16 April 2010

Problem Solving

Once I had my crit session on my actual animation I had found there were a few things that I had to change in order to make it better and to what the client wants.

The first suggestion was that I had a blue box around Pecky for a few of the scenes, and most of the class said that I did not need the box, the client also mentioned that I could take the box away and leave Pecky maybe sitting on a branch, therefore I got rid of the blue box and I then had Pecky sitting on a branch as requested.

The next suggestion that was mentioned was that for children to enjoy it more, why don't I add some interactivity within my animation, this was so that children could become more involved with the story. Therefore with one scene in particular, which was the scene where each of the different eggs were being revealed I made it so the to keep going with the story the children had to click on each of the eggs to reveal them. To do this I had to first split up the voice over, using Audacity as I have done before, I then had to make each of the eggs buttons. Then on the timeline I had to add keyframes in the right places, the actions that I used were to stop the animation, and then to go and play to the next frame, when the children clicked on the eggs. I also added in text to tell them what they had to do, I also added in arrows so that they knew which eggs to click on.

The last suggestion was to make the trees different colours, this was to add depth to my animation instead of it being as flat as it was, because the client had created other scenes that had some depth to it, therefore to be in keeping with this theme I did the same.

I lastly added a title page to my animation, this was so it wouldn't start playing straight away and the children wouldn't miss anything, I also added a credits page, as requested by the client, this was to show who had done what and who should have the credit for each of them.

The main problem that I had was getting the eggs to become interactive, however once I had solved the issue it then ran to how I wanted it.

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