Friday 23 April 2010


Earlier today I had a few problems with the way my website did not work. Every time I clicked on the button to go and watch an animation the screen would be blank.
I therefore had a look at the code in Flash and HTML to see what I needed to change, and I had found that I need to place the HTML pages within the folders where each of the swfs were. I then had to change some of the coding to make sure that everything link perfectly.

To evaluate the way that I work, I think that I worked well however I feel that I could have done better with my timing.
Here is a screen shot of my finished interface on the Internet. I feel that all of the navigation within my site works very well.
And here is a screen shot of one of my other pages with the animation and the home page link within them:
All in all I feel that my animation and website work well, both individually and together.

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