Sunday 21 February 2010

Website Research

I have had a look through other websites that are of a similar nature to what I am trying to create. The one that caught my eye, that site is:
I liked this site because it was simple and easily accessible, however there are a few things that I would change, for example I would probably have a footer at the bottom or something to allow the user to get back to the top quicker and easier.
Also I would have put in less text, that is because I find personally that too much text is quite daunting to see when you are trying to find something out.

Another website I found was:
This website is good at first, however if you don't know where to look for a specific item or topic then it would be quite hard to navigate around. I found that once I have gone through a few links I cannot remember where I have been, therefore to improve this site it would have been good if they had put in some sort of 'bread crumbs' (where it shows you how you got to where you are).

Using these websites as a basis for mine I will hopefully be able to create my website so that it is accessible for everyone and it is easy to navigate around.

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