Sunday 21 February 2010

The Buttons

My buttons I had a few ideas at first however I came up with what I wanted to use, and that I had came up with for my pitch.

My first idea was to use the triangles from a colour wheel, and then using the primary and secondary colours from that.
My next idea was to use the colour wheel itself, as I have created here.
I presented each of these in my pitch and the feedback that I got was that using my second idea would make the website look tacky and it would have been too much use of colour, and with my first idea I the feedback was they were too big, also no other website has buttons that appear on either side of the web page, therefore what I had to do was shrink the size and then maybe combine the ideas so that I would then have my buttons.
Here is my final button design, I have using the triangle section from the colour wheel and I have used the extra section from idea 2, I used the extra section because I felt that each of the words wouldn't have fitted in the triangles properly and then making my buttons look non-professional.

I then thought that I would like to create a rollover image so that the buttons moved slightly when the viewer rolled the mouse over them, also I would then have the rollover image to stay when the viewer clicked on the button, this is so they are able to see which page they are on.

As you can see here I have moved the text along and I have increased the length of the triangle.

With the size I had to use another button to determine how long I was going to make the triangle, therefore I had to chose the button with the longest word, which was principles, this was so that I knew that every button and text would fit when the rollover image would appear.

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