Sunday 21 February 2010

My logo design

I had a few ideas at which I have sketched into my sketchbook, I then came up with 2 final ideas.
One was to used a spectrum and have it in a circle, I had first tried this idea as it was my original idea, and I thought that if I could make it somehow then it would look really good, however when I tried to create it in both Photoshop and Illustrator I found it more difficult then I first orginally thought.

I therefore decided to try and create my other final idea, and I had found that after a few attempts at it I was able to create it.

I created it in Illustrator using 3 circles, the line tool and the divide path action.

I first made the three circles and then I placed them inside each other in the correct places, I then drew the lines that will in the end split the circles up so I can make each of the sections of the circles different colours and shades.
To split the circles I had to select one of the lines and then go to Object/Path/Divide objects below, I then repeated that same proces until I had done that to all of the lines. Then I selected the colours I wanted for the outside then I selected a whiter version of the colours for the inside colours, and for the middle I just selected white and to make the logo personal I placed in one of my own initials in the middle.

I chose this design because I felt it was the best design for my topic, also having the colours as they are makes the viewer look into the middle where the text is.

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