Saturday 27 February 2010

My Mock Ups for Pitch

Here are all of the mock ups that I had created for my pitch. Each of these have been made different to show the different variables that I could have.

At first I used my first idea for the buttons and then I changed them to the second idea. This is where I found out that my button size was too big and therefore I had to change the size of them to fit my site.

I then decided to add a paper like background because that would then make the aspects of the page stand out as well as create a frame of which the content will sit.

This was my final idea, and the feedback that I got from it wasn't very good, this is because the buttons were too big, also I got told that there are no websites with the buttons on both sides of the page, the text in the middle should be left aligned, the heading should not have a shadow.

I took all of this in and then created my final page:

Here I have taken into account everything that was said about my mock-ups, and I have changed the elements that needed changing and I have got a good website that works well for what I wanted.

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