Monday 3 May 2010

Research on Video editing

For this project we have been set a task of creating a 15 second film with at least 20 edits within it. Therefore, I have decided to look at a few different film trailers to show what kind of editing can be done.

I will show one for an action film, one for a romantic comedy film and one for a comedy. Each of these trailers I have found on

The first one I will analyse is Iron Man 2. After watching the Iron Man 2 trailer and attempting to count how many cuts/edits there were, I found that there were at least 50 edits within the trailer.
Also to make the films seem more exciting and to draw the audience in to want to watch it, the creators have used very fast cut away edits to make the trailer exciting, which consequently will hopefully make the film more successful. Also I have noticed that there aren't many transitions between the shots, which again makes the film more exciting and lively, especially as the film is an action genre.

The second one I am analysing is Sex and the City 2. After watching the Sex and the City 2 trailer, and again attempting to count how many edits/scenes there were again I have to conclude that there were at least 60 edits within the trailer. The transitions within this trailer is different to the first, mainly because of the genre, for example there are cut aways, fade to black and fade from black.

However, in comparison to the other trailer that I have studied I have found due to both of them being different, especially in genres, I had found that each of the trailers had many differences, starting with the cuts, due to the Sex and the City 2 trailer being 2 minutes and 24 seconds and the Iron Man 2 trailer being 1 minute and 51 seconds there were more scenes in the Sex and the City 2 trailers then the Iron Man 2 trailer, however due to the longer trailer the Sex and the City trailer was able to have longer shot within it, which then gave the audience a story to which they would have a basis, if they would like to see the film.

Therefore using these 2 different film trailers I was able to show what kind of trailer techniques the creators use for very different kind of films.

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