Tuesday 25 May 2010


I have already encountered problems after I had filmed what I had needed to film, I went to put the videos into Compressor when I was at college, and I had found that it did not work.
I then tried playing them within Quick Time and again it did not work. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working, and I therefore asked one of the tutors to help me, they said that the format that the videos were saved in wasn't correct and we could not figure a way in which to save them as a different format.
The reasoning for the different format was because I had shot my film with a Sony camera, and apparently they save their videos as a .MTS file, which cannot be opened. Due to this I thought that I would have to refilm everything that I had done, which wasn't good because I was following my boyfriend when he was doing jobs, and the footage that I had captured I could not recapture as he had finished those jobs.
I then took the camera home, and my Dad was able to change the format of the videos by using a programme called PMB (Picture Motion Browser). Using this programme I was able to import them and then save them out as a .MPG which I can use within Compressor and Final Cut Pro.

Therefore, I did not have to reshoot anything and I was able to use the footage at which I had previously shot.

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