Monday 3 January 2011

Expanding on Short list

To begin with I am expanding on the briefs that I would like to do.

20th Century Fox:
This is the artwork that the company provided for us.

The 20th Century Fox brief states that I would have to create a campaign that would promote their new film, which is called Rise of the Apes. This film is a continuation of the film Planet of the Apes. (Rise of the Apes explains how the planet had become overrun with apes.)


The artwork and everything is provided for us by the company.

In the Sega brief they want us to create a piece that would celebrate the 20th anniversary. This means that we would have to make something that would appeal to the older generation as well as the newer generation. They did not specify what type of media we had to create.

The artwork are provided by the company.

The Fairtrade brief states that we will have to create a 3 minute video, that communicates how people can do more for fairtrade, the target audience for this project is people who are already ethically aware.

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