Monday 1 November 2010

Research into Handmade Videos

Here is some research into other different videos that look handmade, whether they be music videos or adverts.

This is a video that I was shown that uses Stop Motion animation. 'Stop-motion (also known as stop-action or frame-by-frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own.' (from Wikipedia). I like this advert because the creators had used many different elements that were mentioned within the song. Therefore they had a de range of things to animate, which then allowed them to become really creative in how they incorporate those elements within the song. My favourite part of the video is when the fruit comes in and then makes a face, which then looks like it is singing along with the song.

This next video that I found when watching Television, is advertising an Amazon product called the Kindle. This video also uses Stop Motion within it, this is so it can create the animation that the creator wanted to create. The bits in this video I like is when the material is scrunched up and flattened out and made to look like different things, for example it is first made to look like a shot from a gun, then a shower curtain (like a scene from the movie Psyco) and lastly like a stage curtain.

This is another Kindle advert that I had found, using YouTube. I feel that I prefer this video to the last video, mainly because this has more to do with what I might want to do for my project, using paper. I particually like the part where the paper is scrunched in and then flattend out again to make different effetcs.

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