Tuesday 21 September 2010

Research on videos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubMoADfd3BM&feature=related This is the website at which I found this video.

After watching this video I found that it had quite a few of the motion graphic design principles. These are:

  • Speed of change
  • Squash and Stretch
  • Aniticpation
  • Follow Through
  • Overlapping Action
  • Staging/Exaggeration

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOKKtkKR2A8&feature=related This is where is got this video from

After watching this video I have established that it has quite a few of the motion graphic design principles that had been listed earlier.

  • Squash and Stretch
  • Anitcipation
  • Overlapping Action
  • Staging/Exaggeration

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vksgbsPxXLo This is where I found this video, however I first saw this video on television, and therefore I found it relevant for this project.

Again after looking at this video I have found that there a number of the different motion graphic design principles that would apply to this, they are:

  • Speed of change
  • Arcs
  • Squash and Stretch
  • Overlapping Action
  • Staging/Exaggeration

Each of these videos are helpful for my project, because each of them demonstrate that you can use simple shapes and colours to convey an idea.

The first and second videos are about Bupa, which are a health insurance company, these are just 2 of their many television adverts. I chose these 2 because they were able to show an arrange of different shapes and colours all working together to create a storyline for which the audience would engage with and maybe even connect with. I think the point of these adverts are to portray the fact that if people had bupe health insurance it would be simple and easy to understand.

The last video was from a television advertisement that I had seen on the television, whilst I was doing my work. It is for a child help center, this is to help them with their maths and english. The way that the put this idea to the country is by using a typical childrens song, however changing some of the wording to make it about the product, and getting children to sing it, this would make the viewer more inclined to use the product. The reason why I chose this video is because they use simple drawings, as if a child had done them, to demonstrate their point. For example the fish jumping across the words as and when they are being said/sung.

After closely studying each of these videos and determining what motion graphic design principles relate to them, I have noticed a few similarities between each of the videos, to begin with they each seem to be staged, this is because they each are telling a story to get the audience involved and interested, also they each have the squash and stretch principle within them, I would suspect that this is because each of the producers would want to make their characters or objects seem real, even though they are animations.

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