Monday 20 September 2010

Research on Motion Design Principle

Demo - Principles of Motion Design from vanmmoocow on Vimeo. This is the website at which I got this video from.

I chose this video to demonstrate the different principles of motion graphic design, in a way that was simple and easy to understand. I feel that this particular video is helpful to demonstrate and explain each of the key principles of motion graphic design, and using simple white shapes and a black background to demonstrate means that the focus is on what the video is explaining instead of anything else, which consequently means there is nothing to distract the viewers attention. This is where I found this video.

This video I feel helps me with ideas on what I could do for my project, mainly because this video uses simple coloured shapes, which have been put together to then create a figure of a person or character. And there is also a very simple and plain background, which allows all of the viewers focus to be on what is happening. I have noticed that this video contains different motion graphic principles, at which I will have to use as well. One of these principles is Motivation/Anticipation (Preparation for an action), this is where the person is simulating walking, making the audience notice what is happening, another principle that I have noticed is Overlapping Action (Establishing its relationship to the next action), this is where the bullet penetrates the person and then shatters the pieces apart, another one is Follow Through (Termination of an action), this is where after the bullet has hit the person, and the pieces have shattered apart they land is particular places, which could be personal to the artist, and finally Staging/Exaggeration (Presenting an idea so that it is unmistakably clear), this is basically where the person is placed in the video (in the middle in this case). Many times each of these principles are used together, because they can relate to each other. This is where I found this video

This video is an interesting example of how to make a ball look normal, when thrown and bounced. This video is demonstrating another motion graphic principle, which is Squash and Stretch (Defining the rigidity and weight of an object by distorting its shape during an action). This video also visually allows the viewer to understand how the ball moves and distorts as it bounces, which then allows a designer to make their ball design look realistic.

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