Tuesday 2 March 2010

Validating My Work

For this project I also had to validate my html on the Internet using W3C Validator.
http://validator.w3.org/ This way I can see if my website is compliant with the web standards at which the W3C upholds.

Here is a screen shot of my work when I copied and pasted into the correct area on the site.

Once I clicked on the word validate, I had found that within my code I had got 9 Errors and 1 Warning, (Errors means that you must fix the problem and Warnings means that they advise you to fix the problem).

I had looked through my work and I had tried to fix some of the problems that were accoring. Some were easy some were harder, however when I had tried to fix all of the problems my website worked in Internet Explorer however it did not work in Firefox or Safari, therefore I had to go back and have a look at what I needed to do to correct this error.

When I looked through the coding I had found that some of the conditional comments in my header section that linked my html to the correct css was not correct therefore I had to go back and correct the conditional comment, this then was flagged up again when I again placed it into the validator.

Here is what the errors look like on the site:

They are listed in a very organised way, however, I did not understand some of the problems that I was having and the way that the website had worded the problems, I therefore asked my tutors.

After all of the problems I had fixed all that I could, even though I cannot fix them all I will still be trying to find out what is wrong.

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